Jesus, Resurrected

Together - as Christians - we experience the power of God in the Resurrection.

The resurrected Jesus comes to prove the power of God’s love to change isolation, shame, blame, bitterness, unforgiveness and despair into resurrection living. This is what reconciliation means. Reconciliation is not letting bygones be bygones or superficial agreement to not make a fuss. It is not condoning evil and sinful behavior to try to stay out of trouble.

Jesus doesn’t ask us to agree with each other, or even like each other, but he does need us to learn how to live together in unity with peace, hope and joy. This comes from cultivating mutual respect, accountability, repentance, forgiveness and recommitment to living a better life. In doing this, the Christian community learns to accept and celebrate each other’s differences without judgment, shame or blame. This is the foundation for love in action that rocks the world for good. This is our call as the Body of Christ!   

It starts as we experience the power of God in the Resurrection. It was and is still so mind-boggling that people need proof. In the Gospel, John tells us that Jesus eagerly showed his wounds for them to see and touch. As the reality spread, the realization of why he was resurrected became clear. This mighty act proved God’s unbreakable bond of love for creation, especially humans who can’t seem to stop sinning for very long. Jesus the Risen Christ proved God’s boundless love in his repeated offer of peace, forgiveness and reconciliation. 

This is what the world has always needed and continues to need. People since those first days can’t touch the Risen Jesus and feel his wounds to prove his resurrection. That’s what the Body of Christ is for: We are born to BE the proof through living our Baptismal Covenant.

We are empowered to live like we believe and do our best to cultivate a healthy faith community. To do this, we must take to heart the divine power given us in our baptism to be Jesus for those who need God’s healing love.  

Until more of the universal Body of Christ lives like this, Christianity will remain an afterthought at best, continually giving its power away to adversarial forces.  

Let's do our part to be part of the visible, touchable, lovable Body of Christ in this world.
